Good Evening Fox Families,
I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend! This is Mr. Street, your proud principal, bringing you the latest updates and exciting events happening at M-NES this week!
We’re kicking off Monday with a huge milestone—the 100th day of school! We can’t wait to see how our Foxes celebrate this special day!
Monday also starts our 2nd semester Extended Learning and Foxy Den Attendance Academy. Extended Learning and Foxy Den Attendance Academy will be on Mondays (English) & Tuesday (Math) from now till Spring Break!
Did you know we have an attendance email address? If you need to send a note regarding your student's absence, you can send it to [email protected].va.us.
Interims will go home on Friday, February 7th, so be on the lookout for those.
Our Family Engagement Project—Hearts! is underway, and we’re thrilled to see our students express what they love most! These creative projects can be turned in anytime between now and February 11th and will be displayed in the cafeteria throughout February.
Yearbooks for the 2024–2025 school year are now available for early purchase! Get yours at the early bird price of $20 through February 28th. Order online at www.strawbridge.net using code YB32151 or send cash/checks to the office.
We are now accepting preschool applications for the 2025–2026 school year! If your child will be 4 years old by September 30, 2025, we’d love to welcome them to our Fox family!
With Valentine’s Day approaching, we want to ensure a safe and fun celebration! Please avoid food-related treats due to allergies and consider non-edible goodies like stickers, pencils, or erasers. If you plan to send in store-bought treats, please check with your child’s teacher and remember they must have ingredient labels and be dropped off 48 hours in advance.
There’s still time to join our World’s Finest Chocolate PTA Fundraiser! Over 50 families have already committed, and we are so grateful for your support. If you haven’t turned in your form yet, please do so as soon as possible. Those already signed up—be sure to check your email for details from the PTA. Questions? Email [email protected].
We are so excited for the M-NES Talent Show this Friday at 6:00 PM! Our students will be dazzling the crowd with magic tricks, comedy acts, musical performances, and more! Come out and support our amazing Foxes!
Don’t forget—we are still collecting unwanted plastic to help earn a new bench for our school! Bring in grocery bags, bubble wrap, shipping bags, and more. Collection bins are located at the front entrance and express line.
Lastly, if you haven’t joined our PTA, now is a great time! Sign up using the link PTA Sign-up —your support makes an incredible impact on what we can do for our students!
To our incredible staff—thank you for your hard work and dedication every single day. To our amazing families, thank you for your constant support of our young Foxes. I feel truly honored to serve this wonderful school community.
Have a fantastic week, and as always—stay kind, work hard, and keep that Fox spirit strong!
Foxes, Out!