The Fox Family Focus: Week of August 18, 2024

The Fox Family Focus: Week of August 18, 2024
Posted on 08/18/2024
M-NES Principal's Update Image

Good Evening Fox Families,

This is your principal Mr. Street. I am very proud of all our young foxes and their success with the first week of school.

It made my heart happy to see so many young foxes making new friends, trying new things, and building relationships with their teachers. I am also very proud of our teachers and staff for their hard work and dedication this week. All of your time and energy made a huge impact for our students

We will be finishing up Student Growth Assessment for 3rd through 5th grade on Monday.

Also, we will have our first lock down drill this week. This is only a drill, please talk to your student about the importance of these types of drills. 

If you are using express in the morning or afternoon we ask that all adults remain in the car while we assist your student. We are hoping this speeds up the process, thank you for understanding. Please remember student drop off begins at 7:50 am and students are tardy if they arrive after 8:10 am. In order to maximize learning opportunities, it is important that our students are in the classroom, every single school day. 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first PTA meeting and game night.  We apologize for those of you who tried to join via zoom, and will make sure that it works at the next meeting.  Please feel free to reach out to us on FB or at mossnuckolspta@gmail if you have any questions, ideas or concerns. If you haven't joined the PTA yet you can join online with this link.  PTA Membership

It is an honor to serve such an amazing community. Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help your child be successful and have an amazing year at M-NES. 

Foxes out

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